December 29th, 2014

23 Things I Learned by 23

23 Things I Learned by 23 | Sara du Jour
About two weeks ago, I turned 23. Being 22 was wonderful. It was a year of new experiences, great memories, a few unexpected hurdles, and lessons learned. I’m sure 23 will be the same! A while ago I compiled a list called 22 Things I Learned by 22, and I thought I’d try my hand at it again this year. Here are 23 things I know to be true, so far. Have anything to add to my list? Leave it in a comment!

  1. Don’t spend time with people who look down upon passion and excitement.
  2. Trust yourself. If it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it.
  3. Spend time with the people you can be your silliest self around.
  4. If you know in your heart you will regret not doing it for the rest of your life, for heavens’ sake, do it.
  5. Optimism requires a great deal of faith and stubbornness. Believe in the best even when all the evidence seems to say otherwise.
  6. Don’t give up hope on people. Including yourself.
  7. Things that don’t last forever aren’t any less valuable or worth having.
  8. Take your time to get to know people. Let people in when you are certain of who they are.
  9. If you don’t want to go, don’t.
  10. A certain amount of happiness can be bought.
  11. Be generous with your time, but take care of yourself too.
  12. Happiness looks different to different people. It’s okay if yours doesn’t look grand to others.
  13. Sometimes life will kick you in the butt when you need a push to make a change.
  14. Read the books you want to read, not ones that will make you look “smart” or “interesting”.
  15. Rejection is life’s way of making sure you stay on the right path.
  16. Be the kind of person you’d admire or fall in love with.
  17. Being kind is always worth it, even when you don’t feel up to it.
  18. Stay close to anyone and anything that makes you glad to be alive.
  19. Surround yourself with what inspires you. We tend to become like the things and people around us.
  20. Make an effort to listen to peoples’ stories. Everyone has one.
  21. Anything can be survived with the right people by your side.
  22. Leave room in your life for art.
  23. Life is too short to spend it picking yourself apart.




  • Fantastic advice! These points are really uplifting, I will definitely take them all onboard <3

    • saradujour

      Glad to hear it, thanks Caitlin! x

  • Amazing list! You sound much wiser than I am and I’ll be turning 23 in a couple of weeks. Everyone could do with reminding themselves of these every now and then. Happy Birthday! xxx
    Lucy @

    • saradujour

      You’re very kind, thank you Lucy. Happy New Year and happy (almost) birthday! x

  • these are great lessons that you’ve learned. It can also apply to me too

    • saradujour

      I’m so glad, thanks Alissa! xx

  • These are great. I wish my year had been so insightful. Happy belated birthday!

    • saradujour

      Thank you so much, Simone. Wishing you a wonderful year ahead! x

  • This is perfect and I couldn’t agree more with all the points; I turned 24 last november and I would have made the same list, and my #24 would be “Be yourself, anything couldn’t make you happier ; you won’t please everybody anyway so make yourself great, for you first”, but you already know that :) – xx

    • saradujour

      Thank you, Camille. Happy belated birthday, that is a wonderful #24! x

  • Liz

    Even though am just only 18, this post surely helped me to realize how life could be good and sometimes goes on the other hand. All in all, what matters most is how better person you’ve become at the end of the day to deal with it. Right Sara?

    • saradujour

      So true, Liz! The only thing we really have that no one can take away from us is who we are. :) x

      • Liz

        Gosh I wanna meet you in personal someday! *hugs*

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