The Quarantine Chronicles
– Wonder Woman cosplay details here –
Well hello there! Our world is quite a bit different than it was the last time I posted, so I thought I’d check in. As I write this, I’m on day 11 of self-isolation and social distancing – meaning I stay at home and only go out for walks (usually through nature) or occasionally to buy necessities from the store. To be perfectly honest, this isn’t a drastic change for me.
I’m an introvert and a bit of a homebody, so I actually really enjoy solitude and time to reflect and pursue my hobbies. I think most creative people tend to value time alone.
I know that I’m extremely fortunate to have a job that I can perform from home, and I’m also lucky that I’m not too worried about my own health or the health of those closest to me during this time. So many people around the world are facing financial difficulties due to COVID-19 (also called Coronavirus) and high amounts of fear, stress, and anxiety around the virus.
To protect those most vulnerable to the effects of COVID-19, from the elderly to the immunocompromised, it’s vital that we all work together and do our part. Because even if you feel perfectly healthy, you could still have the virus and transmit it to someone whose immune system would be unable to fight it off.
So to be a hero, it really couldn’t be easier: all you have to do is stay at home.
No one really knows how long social distancing will need to stay in place, and it will surely get more difficult with time. But the sacrifices we all must make now are abundantly worth it, because it means giving the healthcare system a fighting chance by flattening the curve (read: not overwhelming hospitals with more patients at one time than they can handle).
In the meantime, try to make the most of this lifestyle shift as much as possible. There are so many wonderful things to do from home. Binge that Netflix show you’ve been meaning to get to, read that book, learn a new skill, or pick up a new hobby.
Personally I’ve been enjoying exploring nature trails with a great playlist on, reading, cooking, drawing, focusing on skincare, and taking a bit of a break from makeup. (Thinking of posting an updated skincare routine soon, if there’s interest.)
Thanks to technology, social distancing doesn’t have to be lonely, either. You can Facetime friends or loved ones, share what you’re doing in your group chats, check in with what’s happening around the world through social media, and even have virtual dates and parties.

Warrior Pose seemed appropriate for Diana ;)
As for working out, there’s a ton of fitness routines to follow on youtube – many that don’t need any equipment at all, not even a mat! You can exercise every muscle group using only body weight and some furniture. (Don’t believe me? Check out Arnold Schwarzenegger’s no-gym workout.)
I’ve been doing 8-minute abs along with a few others every day and the burn is REAL. I find a little bit of exercise every day helps me decompress from a busy work day and feel refreshed and productive. As good as exercise is for your physical health, I can’t overstate how much it improves your mental health too.
If you’re struggling with loneliness, anxiety, fear, or mental health issues – please reach out to someone in your life, and if you feel you don’t have that someone, reach out to me.
If you’re not able to self-isolate, because you work in a grocery store, pharmacy, hospital, or some other essential service: thank you. You are the real heroes of this pandemic, and you are keeping society running for all of us.
Wishing you all the best, hang in there friends! We’ll get through this.
Thanks for reading,
– Sara
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