Category Archives for Advice
How to Make Every Day a Productive Day
Being more productive means you’ll get more done and make better use of your time. Businesses are hyper-focused on productivity, and our culture is obsessed with cramming more and more tasks into each day. Here are a few things you can do to improve your productivity without totally burning yourself out. (more…)
How to Do It All (in 24 Hours)
Anyone else have a never-ending to-do list? Whether you’re single and living alone or are caring for a family, the 24 hours in a day seem to be stretched thinner and thinner. (more…)
30 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues
I don’t know about you, but for me, January is bleak as hell. The holidays are over, meaning the decorations and beautiful twinkling lights have been taken down, the festive spirit has evaporated, and the eating pants put away. Without end of year celebrations to look forward to, all you’re left with is the brutal, blistering cold. (At least, here in Canada.) (more…)
Why I Stopped Making Resolutions

Photo credit:
Let me start by saying I think wanting to improve yourself is a wonderful thing. I think learning, growing, and working towards becoming your best self is probably the whole point of our time here, actually. So this post isn’t about bashing self-improvement. (more…)
24 Things I Learned by 24
For the past two years, I’ve made a series of these posts: 22 Things I Learned by 22 and 23 Things I Learned by 23. I enjoy looking back at these posts and being able to see how my point of view has changed with time, or hasn’t. Today is my birthday, and I turn 24. I thought it was only fitting to reflect on my year, and share some things I know to be true based on my life experiences so far. And what a year it’s been! As always, I’d love it if you added your own bits of wisdom in the comments.
Without any further ado: here are 24 things I learned by 24. (more…)
10 Tips to Be an Online Shopping Pro
As you have probably gathered from the abundance of haul posts here on my blog, I kind of like online shopping. In fact, I do so much online shopping, I consider myself a bit of a pro on the subject. Practice makes perfect, right?
Through talking with friends about the subject, I came to realize that some of the online shopping tips I’ve gathered aren’t exactly common knowledge. So why not share them with all of you? (more…)
23 Things I Learned by 23
About two weeks ago, I turned 23. Being 22 was wonderful. It was a year of new experiences, great memories, a few unexpected hurdles, and lessons learned. I’m sure 23 will be the same! A while ago I compiled a list called 22 Things I Learned by 22, and I thought I’d try my hand at it again this year. Here are 23 things I know to be true, so far. (more…)
How to Ace a Job Interview: 15 Tips
Chances are, sooner or later you’re going to go to a job interview. You’re probably going to go to a lot of job interviews in your lifetime, whether it’s straight out of college, or later on in your career. I’ve been to tons of interviews, especially over the last couple of weeks while I was job hunting. So much so that I can practically do it in my sleep now. I’ve been on the other side of things, too – interviewing potential candidates for a job. So if you want to know how to ace a job interview, here are 15 tips for making a great impression and hopefully, getting the job. (more…)
10 Tips for Building Self Confidence
One of the most common questions I get asked online is about how to build your confidence and feel good about yourself.
In a world that literally functions based on telling people (especially women) that they’re not good enough as they are (yay, capitalism!), having confidence in the face of that onslaught is no easy feat. (more…)
I Woke Up Like This, or: #NoFilter
I have never been more nervous to put up a blog post before. But it’s late at night – that particular time of night when people get a little more honest, and sometimes, a little more brave.
I’m in bed with my laptop and my cat, and I’ve been hit with a wave of courage to do something I’ve been thinking about doing for a while. So, I’m going to grit my teeth, cross my fingers, and hope I don’t regret this in the morning. (more…)
Little Lies to Stop Telling Ourselves
In the words of Dr. House, everybody lies. Here are just a few little lies to stop telling ourselves. (more…)
Top 10 Tips for University Success
(Or, Sara’s Declassified School Survival Guide)
I get a lot of questions from high school students anxious about starting university. I also frequently get asked how to deal with the work load, the stress of exams, and how to find balance in your life. When I asked you all which topics you’d like “advice” posts about, this was a very popular one. So here are my top 10 tips for university. (more…)
22 Things I Learned by 22
- When wearing new shoes out for the first time, always pack bandages. No matter how comfortable you think the shoes are.
- Take your friends out when they’re feeling glum.
- Make frequent plans with anyone you’d regret not seeing more of if they died tomorrow. Your family, your friends – anyone you love.
- Always forgive. But don’t be afraid to stop spending time with people who consistently hurt you.
- Eat a meal before a night of drinking if you don’t want to become best friends with the toilet the next morning.
- Tell people all the nice things you think about them. Too often we forget to say these things out loud.
- Pay your bills as soon as you get them. (If at all possible.)
- Look at yourself in the mirror and imagine what 80-year-old you would say about how beautiful you look now.
- Eat dessert.
- Don’t be afraid to be the person who cares more.
- Make the grand gesture.
- Don’t buy clothes that don’t currently fit you.
- If you always feel worse about yourself after spending time with someone, stop spending time with them.
- Pay attention to how your friends behave when you achieve success. The real ones will celebrate your successes with you and share in your failures.
- Learn how to do handy things, like fix toilets and change lightbulbs by yourself. Being self-sufficient is not gender specific.
- Smile at anyone who is serving you, be polite, and tip well.
- Do not give any one person the power to destroy you.
- Never stop learning.
- Read, read, read.
- It’s okay to cancel on group plans if you don’t feel like going, but cancelling a one-on-one last minute is inconsiderate.
- Don’t wait to wear things when you reach a certain weight. You can wear whatever style you like now. Right now.
- Allow yourself to look silly, whether on purpose or by accident. Life isn’t a beauty pageant.
The Great Internet Illusion
The internet is a funny thing. Blogging and social media allows us to publicly share details of our lives that were previously known only by those very close to us. However, this illusion of honesty and intimacy actually allows for deception on a grand scale (intentional or not). (more…)